Overwhelming Community Response Warrants Masjid Expansion
Jun 8, 2015
Alhumdulillah, Masjid Suffah has now been open for over two months. In this time, we have been blessed with a positive response from the community. We have an active group of members who join us for the 5 daily salah and nearly 125 community members in attendance for Jummah. We have also been able to launch several programs, including summer classes for children, Friday family halaqahs, and a daily hadith halaqah.
The fruits of the community’s efforts have certainly paid off. In fact, last Jummah, Brother Brandon Alexander accepted Islam.
Please help us give him a warm welcome to the community.
Because we have had a greater response from the community than we had initially anticipated, the masjid has begun to undergo construction for expansion. We anticipate completing the expansion before the beginning of Ramadan, which will include larger prayer areas for both the men and women and a proper wudhu area, insha’Allah. Here is a link to the plans layout.
We would like to thank the community for all of their efforts and for helping to make our vision of a vibrant masjid in Kennesaw possible.
We look forward to seeing everyone during the upcoming blessed month of Ramadan!
Architects Drawings: http://www.masjidsuffah.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Suffa-Dawat-Center-6-03-15.pdf
Web Site at: http://www.masjidsuffah.com/
Imam: Imam Faizan Wahid
Director: Mufti Fakhir Islam
Once target of outcry, mosque now looking to expand
By Hilary Butschek hbutschek@mdjonline.com
Owners who received permission from the Kennesaw City Council in December to open a mosque in a strip mall are planning an expansion.
Naser Omer, a supporter of the Suffa Duwat Center mosque, said the center conducts five daily prayer services, and Friday services are the most popular.
“That is the only day we have a large congregation as I have been saying from the beginning. We are short of space by just a little bit, so I thought let us expand it so we can accommodate for future needs,” said Omer, a Kennesaw resident.
When the applicants applied for a land use permit from the city to use a 2,200-square-foot suite in the Kennesaw Commons shopping center on Jiles Road, it was met by opposition from the City Council and residents.
The council first voted to deny the application, but the members that originally voted against it later changed their votes and the original denial was reversed.
At nearly every council meeting where the mosque was discussed, protesters attended and denounced the Islamic religion.
Kennesaw resident Dennis Goddard Sr. was one of the protesters and Friday, he again voiced his concern with the ideas behind the religion and the mosque owners’ intention to expand.
“I will always stand opposed to their Shariah law or any law that anyone would use trying to replace our law of the land — the Constitution of the United States of America,” Goddard said.
Omer said although there was opposition to the mosque in January when it opened, he has not heard any complaints since.
“The commotion we heard in the beginning has died down. It has been very quiet. Nobody has any problem with us. Everybody is happy around us,” Omer said.
One resident who previously complained to the City Council about her opposition to the mosque, Eileen Alberstadt of Kennesaw, said she now accepts it.
“I guess they have their religious freedom,” Alberstadt said.
The issue of religious freedom was raised by Doug Dillard, the attorney representing the mosque owners, when the council first denied the application to use a suite in the shopping center for prayer space.
Dillard threatened to sue the city for denying the applicants’ their right to religious freedom, and that’s when the council changed its vote to approve the application.
Omer stressed that the community has been supportive and accepting of the mosque since it opened.
“I have been checking with our neighbors, and asking that everything is going well. We are coexisting with good feelings all around,” Omer said.Omer said he has to file a building permit request with the city to expand into another suite, but he has notfiled it yet. Darryl Simmons, Kennesaw planning and zoning director, said the mosque would not have to get approval by the City Council to expand. “It would just have to go through the normal business licensing process through the building services department. So they would apply for a building permit to make any changes to bring the building up to code and then get a certificate of occupancy and approval from the fire marshal,” Simmons said.
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Also see info on the Mosque at: http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
For over 2 months the parking lot of the strip mall hosting the Suffa Dawat Mosque has been torn up and in bad shape. Approx. 15% of the parking spaces are unavailable.
The 30 day Ramadan celebration (6/18-7/17) is now a week away with the heavy increase in traffic to the Mosque. Additionally, the Mosque has decided to expand to the next unused unit and work was to have started on that Mon. June 8th.
The City is again sleeping at the switch and it is about time they woke up and took some action.
Same parking lot, same pile of dirt 2 months later. Will it still be there on Labor Day?
A correspondent informs me as follows:
"the mosque found a solution to Ramadan attendance issue, they rented the suite next door and they will start expansion construction next Monday (June 8th) ( they got all the permits)".
See also: http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
Email to: jdrobney@kennesaw-ga.gov, dsimmons@kennesaw-ga.gov
Subject: Occupancy allowed for Suffa Dawat Mosque
I understand that today's (5/29) Suffa
Dawat Mosque's main service was almost at full capacity with 75
attending the main service.
I was told by an attendee that there was only 3 spaces remaining, so it would seem that the Mosque would not reasonably be rated for more than 78. From my prior visits to the site, before it became a Mosque my guess had been between 70-80, so I was correct in that guess (see photos below).
As you know I had previously inquired of the City as to the rated occupancy
of this unit and while I did get an initial estimate of 315
this was so high a number that it was not in any way reasonable.
Now with next months Ramadan celebration (6/18-7/17) the site will be
crowded for the entire month and I and a lot of others in the community would
like a firm and no-nonsense response as to what the allowable occupancy for this
small area is and also we would like to know if City inspectors will make sure
that this limit is not exceeded.
Also I note that recently there has been limited parking due to
construction work being done in the lot next to the Mosque, taking out of
service about 15% of the normal parking area.
As you know many Muslims only attend Mosque now and then, not 5 times a day
or even every day, attendence is mostly on Friday mid-day, but for Ramadan,
those who don't bother for the other 11 months make sure that they attend a
Mosque for those Holy days.
I would hope that the City will be proactive in this and make any concerns
known to the Mosque leadership, otherwise I anticipate squeals and howls of
indignation from the Mosque if you let it ride until Ramadan.
As you know mishandling of this Mosque issue has already given Kennesaw
international bad press and cost the local Taxpayers a settlement of $18,000.
This screw up is laid directly at the feet of the City administration; ie:
City Attorney, mayor (small m for this mayor), and the 5 Council members.
I hope the City will get in front of this pending problem and area
residents would like to know what the occupancy limit has been established for
the Mosque and that it will be enforced.
William Harris
Citizen Journalist
Kennesaw, USA | |
12 Shaban 1436 | |
May 30, 2015 | |
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Also take a look at:
Did you know that when the City of Kennesaw 'settled' the Mosque suit that it paid them $18,000?
You wouldn't know if you went to the City Council Council Minutes for the 2/16/15 meeting for the rather simple reason that there are NO PUBLISHED MINUTES from this meeting. (update: they are now published)
The publication of Council Minutes stops at 2/2/15.
Now if you go to the video of the 2/16 meeting and get to minute 25 you find that our mayor, City Attorney Bentley and the 5 stooges on Council go into Executive Session and when they return they ram through a motion to settle the suit and pay Suffa Dawat their $18,000.
This is at minute 28 and the reading of the motion, vote etc takes all of 30 seconds and if the City Attorney had been able to talk faster it might have been cut down to 15 seconds. In any event the session was so poorly attended that I doubt anyone noticed and of course there is no record in published minutes of the action as they are NOT published.
Gee wonder why? Perhaps they thought no one would notice?
Maybe our mayor (small m for mayor), City Atty and Council would rather not let the Kennesaw residents know just how badly they screwed up!
Keep up with this at: http://suffadawa.blogspot.com/ and http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
Subject: City Council Minutes
Date: 5/15/2015 7:57:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Harris2016@aol.com
To: dctaylor@kennesaw-ga.gov
I see that the published City Council Minutes stop at 2/2/15.
The videos are available online but not the published minutes.
Can you provide me with the minutes of the 2/16/15 Council Meeting.
Bill Harris
for bringing this to my attention. An intern had unpublished the minutes in
Kennesaw Cleared of Wrongdoing by DoJ
— Hilary Butschek, MDJ 5/15/15
Kennesaw officials were notified this week the city is no longer under investigation by the Department of Justice regarding how the City Council handled a request to build an Islamic prayer center last year.
The Federal Department of Justice launched an investigation into the city's zoning and land use practices Feb. 3, according to a letter from the department to the city.
The investigation came about a month after a prolonged decision by the City Council on whether to allow a mosque to use space in a retail shopping center for a prayer center. The council voted unanimously to approve the mosque after two months of back and forth and protests from residents.
The letter from the Department of Justice, dated May 7, cites the city's effort to change its code ‟to treat religious and non-religious assemblies equally.” The council voted to approve a change to its zoning code at an April 19 meeting.
With that amendment, which broadened the definition of a religious institution in the city's zoning code, the Department of Justice determined the city did not violate the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000.
New Business Ribbon Cuttings in Kennesaw
The City Website has a section titles: " WELCOME TO KENNESAW - The City of Kennesaw would like to welcome your new development to the City. "http://www.kennesaw-ga.gov/ribbon-cuts/
This section showcases new businesses and their ribbon cutting, complete with the mayor, a ribbon and a crowd of pleased people associated with the new venture.
Currently there are 13 happy photos ranging from Sandra's Southern Traditions to Lazy Guy Distillery.
What is missing is the grand opening 3 weeks ago of the Suffa Dawat Mosque located in a downmarket strip center on Jiles Road.
The mayor and 3 of 5 council members attended, guess they must have forgotten their camera, or could it be that they didn't want any publicity?
Mufti Fakhir Islam.United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia
Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Case No. 12-51935 (Jan. 2012)
For Suffa Dawat Mosque Info you can go to:
and to see their site you can go to: http://suffadawatcenter.weebly.com/
Mosque Contact, send an email at: suffahmosque@gmail.com, Or call: 770-906-0838
Kennesaw, USA
28 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1436
April 17, 2015
Help Powered bywww.IslamicFinder.org
Day Friday
Fajr 5:53
Sunrise 7:05
Dhuhr 1:38
Asr 5:18
Maghrib 8:12
Isha 9:24
Free Azan Software

(770) 906-0838

All prayers including formal jumaa


Arabic (w/translation) services

Partial barrier separating genders

Adequate restrooms
I understand that the new Mosque is now open for business with the Grand Opening about the first of April with Mayor Mark Mathews and three of the five Kennesaw City Council members and Police Chief Bill Westenberger attending for the ribbon cutting ceremony.
I see that there is no sinage yet as to the identity of the occupant. Only some flowers outside and what looks like realtor locks on the 2 doors. Presumably the attendees have the code to open the lock box and get the door keys.
NOTE: 1) The City Council Sessions of March 2nd and Feb. 16 are now available online, they run 23 and 29 minutes. The only interesting item is that at min. 28 of the 2/16 meeting it seems that the City will be paying the Suffa Dawat Mosque $18,000 in settlement.
The agenda minutes for this date are not published yet. Sounds to me like the City got screwed out of 18K. The suit by them against the City was dismissed, presumably this is their legal costs that we are paying.
Keep up with this at: http://suffadawa.blogspot.com/ and http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
2) The 34 pages of this Civil Suit can be found at: http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
Federal Lawsuit Filed in Kennesaw Mosque Controversy
The attorney representing the city's Muslim community says the lawsuit is procedural and meant to ensure the mosque will be allowed to open.
New Business Ribbon Cuttings in Kennesaw
The mayor and 3 of 5 council members attended, guess they must have forgotten their camera, or could it be that they didn't want any publicity?
The City Website has a section titles: " WELCOME TO KENNESAW - The City of Kennesaw would like to welcome your new development to the City. "http://www.kennesaw-ga.gov/ribbon-cuts/
This section showcases new businesses and their ribbon cutting, complete with the mayor, a ribbon and a crowd of pleased people associated with the new venture.
Currently there are 13 happy photos ranging from Sandra's Southern Traditions to Lazy Guy Distillery.
What is missing is the grand opening 3 weeks ago of the Suffa Dawat Mosque located in a downmarket strip center on Jiles Road.
The mayor and 3 of 5 council members attended, guess they must have forgotten their camera, or could it be that they didn't want any publicity?
Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Case No. 12-51935 (Jan. 2012)
For Suffa Dawat Mosque Info you can go to:
and to see their site you can go to: http://suffadawatcenter.weebly.com/
Mosque Contact, send an email at: suffahmosque@gmail.com, Or call: 770-906-0838
Kennesaw, USA | |
28 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1436 | |
April 17, 2015 | |
Help Powered bywww.IslamicFinder.org | |
Day | Friday |
Fajr | 5:53 |
Sunrise | 7:05 |
Dhuhr | 1:38 |
Asr | 5:18 |
Maghrib | 8:12 |
Isha | 9:24 |
Free Azan Software |
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(770) 906-0838
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All prayers including formal jumaa
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![]() | |
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Arabic (w/translation) services
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Partial barrier separating genders
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Adequate restrooms
I understand that the new Mosque is now open for business with the Grand Opening about the first of April with Mayor Mark Mathews and three of the five Kennesaw City Council members and Police Chief Bill Westenberger attending for the ribbon cutting ceremony.
I see that there is no sinage yet as to the identity of the occupant. Only some flowers outside and what looks like realtor locks on the 2 doors. Presumably the attendees have the code to open the lock box and get the door keys.
NOTE: 1) The City Council Sessions of March 2nd and Feb. 16 are now available online, they run 23 and 29 minutes. The only interesting item is that at min. 28 of the 2/16 meeting it seems that the City will be paying the Suffa Dawat Mosque $18,000 in settlement.
The agenda minutes for this date are not published yet. Sounds to me like the City got screwed out of 18K. The suit by them against the City was dismissed, presumably this is their legal costs that we are paying.
Keep up with this at: http://suffadawa.blogspot.com/ and http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
2) The 34 pages of this Civil Suit can be found at: http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
Federal Lawsuit Filed in Kennesaw Mosque Controversy
The attorney representing the city's Muslim community says the lawsuit is procedural and meant to ensure the mosque will be allowed to open.

A group of Muslims filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Kennesaw on Tuesday which they say is meant to keep the city council from reversing its Dec. 15 decision to approve the creation of a mosque inside an area strip mall.
Doug Dillard, representing the Muslims, says thatthe suit is entirely a protective measure and will be dropped if the city council abides by its latest ruling in support of the mosque, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The Kennesaw City Council originally voted down the mosque proposal, but reversed their decision two weeks later. According to WSB-TV, Kennesaw Mayor Mark Mathews said that city council members had their minds changed by legal arguments from the city’s attorney. Matthews added that the reversal was not spurred by any outside pressure or a complaint filed against the city with the U.S. Justice Department alleging violations of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, WSB-TV said.
Additionally, WSB-TV reports that council members who changed their minds said that the city’s new, more inclusive vision statement was a large part of their decision.
Kennesaw residents interviewed by WSB-TV following the Dec. 15 reversal believed that the outcry against the earlier decision caused the city council to backtrack to avoid appearing anti-Muslim.
A representative of the Suffa Dawat Center, which will operate in a shopping center on Jiles Road, says that it will take several months to ready the mosque for worship, and adds that only around 60 Muslims will attend Friday services. A much smaller number of Muslims will report to the mosque for daily prayers, the representative added.
Similar violations of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act were alleged during mosque expansion controversies in Alpharetta and Lilburn; in those instances, the cities allowed the mosques to expand, the AJC reports.
Count 1 Violation of Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, (Substantial Burdens),
Count 2 Violation of Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, (Equal Terms and Discrimination)
Count 3 Violation of Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, (Limitations and Exclusions),
Count 4 Violation of First and Fourteenth Amendment to United States Constitution (Free Exercise of Religion)
Count 5 Violation of First and Fourteenth Amendment to United States Constitution (Establishment Clause)
Count 6 Violation of First and Fourteenth Amendment to United States Constitution (Freedom of Speech)
Count 7 Violation of First and Fourteenth Amendment to United States Constitution (Freedom of Assembly)
Count 8 Violation of First and Fourteenth Amendment to United States Constitution (Equal Protection)
Count 9 Violation of First and Fourteenth Amendment to United States Constitution (Substantive and Procedural Due Process)
Count 10 Violation of Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Count 11 State Law Claims
Count 12 Mandamus
Count 13 Injunction
Count 14 Attorney's Fees and Costs of Litigation
Anyone wanting a copy can email me and I will forward it to you via attachment. Computer201@hotmail.com
NOTE: If you want to see the 40 pages of the earlier case where Alpharetta initially denied a Mosque expansion it is available.
CITY OF ALPHARETTA, GEORGIA, et al., Defendants-Appellees
use direct link at: http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/app/briefs/alpharettabrief.pdf
Also see the Oct 2011 AJC article: "Mosque Dispute Divides Lilburn"
Well that cat is now out of the bag, the 'F' is for Fakhir.
Mr. Islam had some financial problems, initially he filed to go Chapter 13, on 12/6/10 (Case No. 10-96820), but then switched to Chapter a 7 Bankruptcy (Case No. 12-51935) in January of 2012.
The Bankruptcy Schedule D (Creditors Holding Secured Claims) lists 6 claimants with $26,760.02 being unsecured, Schedule F (Unsecured Creditors) lists 33 firms, from several American Express accounts to Sun Trust, totaling $136,893.99.
Mr. Islam was discharged from Bankruptcy 10/17/12, and shed existing Judgments from American Express, Citibank, Dealer Services Corp. and Suntrust Bank who went after him and his M&R Auto Sales. Another filing from Chase Bank was pending and was also discharged.
Former Citizen of India, Mr Adbul Kareem Amer, 'the engineer' behind the Mosque issue spent some of his millions fighting the US Atty General, Homeland Security and the Immigration Service under Civil Case 1:08-cv-00850-TCB with his 3/7/08 'Petition for Hearing on Naturalization Application'.
During the month the matter was before the Northern District of Georgia Court his application was granted and the matter was dismissed (mooted) upon the governments 4/4/08 motion.
Unit #109 is the former home of the Tae Bo Body Fitness Workout Center and is the proposed home of the Suffa Dawat Mosque. The door seen at the right of the photo and the door at the left, mark the frontage of this double unit.
Note: The entire frontage of the double unit is shown here, there are doors on both sides of the unit.
There are 2,200 sq ft in unit #109, however only 1,500 sq ft is available for usage as there are 2 bathrooms and one small office area at the rear of the unit.
The best representation of the available space is found in the above photo, however, you should discount the 20% of the photo on the right side as that entire wall is made up of mirrors and makes the unit look larger than it actually is.
The best representation of the available space is found in the above photo, however, you should discount the 20% of the photo on the right side as that entire wall is made up of mirrors and makes the unit look larger than it actually is.
When looking at these interior photos you need to keep in mind that the south wall/right side of photos is all mirrors. Take a careful look, the molding in the center of the above photo is the limit of the unit, the wall mirrors simply reflect back into the unit making it look larger than it is.
"Until construction plans are submitted, I can only guess at the occupant loads for this suite based upon the applicant's engineer report.
At 2200 square feet, the occupant load would be 315 people.
This could change once the final construction plans are submitted and the final floor plan is shown to me.
Mark Rice CBO MCP Building Official
City of Kennesaw"
The City inspector has indicated that the potential occupancy could be posted at 315 people, but this is at this point only an estimate and my rump opinion is that you would be over crowding the unit if it was rated as anything in excess of a maximum occupancy of 70-80 people.
Q) What was the rated occupancy of the former Body Fitness Workout Center? The new rated occupancy should not be more that this number.
Q) What was the rated occupancy of the former Body Fitness Workout Center? The new rated occupancy should not be more that this number.
Dec 18, 2014
Mr. Sam Olens
Office of the Attorney General
40 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, Ga 30334
RE: Illegal Action taken by the Kennesaw City Council on Dec. 15, 2014
Dear Attorney General Olens:
I would like to bring this matter to your attention for legal review and possible action by your office.
On Dec. 15, 2014, the Kennesaw City Council met and 4 of the 5 Council members attempted to rescind their December 1, 2014, 4-1 vote against a waiver of City of Kennesaw land use regulations* which in their 12/1/14 opinion and the City Council vote of that date, denied the Suffa Dawat's application for a 24 month waiver of City zoning/land use regulations.
The Kennesaw City Council altered their votes AFTER the legal voting was completed by placing on the 12/15/14 City Council Agenda, at Pages 2 and 3, items H through K as noted in the attachment to this complaint*.
I don't believe that this revote can be done under the City of Kennesaw legal charter and bylaws. It seems that the December 1, 2014 vote stands according to the law.
I request that you and your office now take up the matter and if my contention is correct, see that the December 15th effort to rescind the original 12/1/14 vote is ruled to be moot and unenforceable and that the original 12/1/14 Kennesaw City Council vote stands.
Council votes 5-0 to allow mosque in Kennesaw
December 15, 2014 09:39 PM
KENNESAW — With a unanimous 5-0 vote Monday, the Kennesaw City Council approved a permit allowing an Islamic prayer center to open in a retail center, reversing its decision earlier this month denying the request.
The controversial vote came despite protests from a crowd of about 20 people outside City Hall holding signs with the words “Ban Islam” and “No Mosque” and waving American flags before and after the meeting.
Monday’s vote, which was approved with a list of other items on the consent agenda without discussion, allows the applicant for the mosque, Kennesaw resident Mufti Islam, to use a 2,200-square-foot space in a retail shopping center off Jiles Road near Cobb Parkway as a Muslim prayer center.
Kashif Islam, the applicant’s brother, said he had no ill feelings toward the protestors.
“They have the right to protest,” Kashif Islam said.
Kashif Islam said he was happy he was given the freedom to practice his religion in the retail center and that the vote ended peacefully.
“This is not life and death. We’ve been living in this neighborhood for 15 years. Have you ever seen us getting into trouble? No,” Kashif Islam said.
When Mayor Mark Mathews adjourned the meeting, all the council members left the room quickly through a back door. Mathews remained but said none of the other council members would comment on the change of vote.
Mathews said Monday’s vote will allow the mosque to operate in the retail center, without stipulations, for 24 months.
“It was a fairly unusual experience for us, but I think we’ve taken action,” Mathews said.
The permit for the prayer center was denied with a 4-1 vote by the City Council at its Dec. 1 meeting.
Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh, the sole vote in favor of the permit at the Dec. 1 meeting, said Monday said she was “glad we can move forward and focus on all the great things happening in Kennesaw.”
Councilwoman Debra Williams said in a statement to the MDJ after the meeting all she could say about changing her vote on the issue was “RLUIPA trumps.”
Williams is referencing the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, a federal law protecting religious institutions from discriminatory zoning laws, which the applicant threatened to use as a basis to sue the city if the permit was denied.
Protests turn out
Protestors outside City Hall were peaceful but vocal about their opinions on the mosque.
Karen Untz, a protestor from Cumming, said she was scared of what would happen to the community now that the mosque was allowed in and predicted it would bring Sharia law with it.
“They get a bunch of people in an area, and then they institute Sharia law, and then they beat their wives, et cetera, et cetera. I don’t want to go into all the other terrible things they do,” Untz said. “This is going to start happening all over the state.”
The temporary land use permit approved by the council Monday night gives the applicant 24 months to use the space before he will have to reapply, but Untz said she thinks the mosque will never relocate.
“Everyone knows there’s no such thing as a temporary mosque. Once they establish a mosque, they keep it. They own it for Allah,” Untz said.
Chris Hill, a protestor from McDonough, said he also thinks the mosque will lead to Sharia law in Kennesaw.
“Sharia law cannot be allowed to masquerade as a religion,” Hill said.
Gloria Williamson, a protestor from Jasper, called Islam is a cult and said it should not be given the freedom religions such as Christianity enjoy.
“It’s a cult. It’s not a religion because they teach hate toward Americans,” Williamson said.
After the vote, supporters of the mosque were confronted by protestors outside, and one Kennesaw resident, Holly Lacour, apologized for the protestors’ actions. Lacour, who said she lives just down the street from where the new mosque will be located, told the applicants she was sorry some Kennesaw residents had reacted negatively toward them.
“It broke my heart to see them treated this way,” Lacour said. “I identify as an atheist, but I support all rights to religious freedom. My neighborhood is very diverse, and that’s how I want my city to be.”
Dallas resident Danielle Longamore supports the mosque and said she thinks the protestors represent a minority.
“I don’t think that group of people really represents Kennesaw as a whole because of their unwillingness to talk and their stubbornness,” Longamore said.
Before the vote, Khalid El-Amin, a supporter of the mosque, said he wasn’t bothered by the protestors. He said he was there for the vote, not the protestors’ show.
“They have the same right to protest as we do. And, as long as the right people say ‘yes,’” El-Amin said, nodding toward the council inside City Hall, “all of this doesn’t matter.”
Kamaral Hosein, a supporter of the mosque and a Muslim, said he was proud of the council’s decision to change the vote.
“This is a victory not only for the mosque and Muslims, but for the whole community as a whole,” Hosein said.
Behind the vote
The City Council first voted to deny the mosque inside a retail center with a 4-1 vote on Dec. 1, with council members Leonard Church, Tim Killingsworth, Jim Sebastian and Williams voting down the application.
Doug Dillard, the applicant’s attorney, threatened the city with a lawsuit after the council’s decision to deny the application. Dillard said he could file a $1 million claim invoking Religious Land Use Act in Cobb Superior Court, according to a letter included in the application presented to the council at its Dec. 1 meeting.
After this warning, Mathews said all four council members who voted to deny the mosque individually asked the mayor in private to change their previous vote at the council’s Dec. 10 meeting.
Monday night, the council voted 5-0 to approve the four council members’ requests to change their votes. Now, the city’s record will show that the application for the mosque was approved 5-0.
The controversial vote came despite protests from a crowd of about 20 people outside City Hall holding signs with the words “Ban Islam” and “No Mosque” and waving American flags before and after the meeting.
Monday’s vote, which was approved with a list of other items on the consent agenda without discussion, allows the applicant for the mosque, Kennesaw resident Mufti Islam, to use a 2,200-square-foot space in a retail shopping center off Jiles Road near Cobb Parkway as a Muslim prayer center.
Kashif Islam, the applicant’s brother, said he had no ill feelings toward the protestors.
“They have the right to protest,” Kashif Islam said.
Kashif Islam said he was happy he was given the freedom to practice his religion in the retail center and that the vote ended peacefully.
“This is not life and death. We’ve been living in this neighborhood for 15 years. Have you ever seen us getting into trouble? No,” Kashif Islam said.
When Mayor Mark Mathews adjourned the meeting, all the council members left the room quickly through a back door. Mathews remained but said none of the other council members would comment on the change of vote.
Mathews said Monday’s vote will allow the mosque to operate in the retail center, without stipulations, for 24 months.
“It was a fairly unusual experience for us, but I think we’ve taken action,” Mathews said.
The permit for the prayer center was denied with a 4-1 vote by the City Council at its Dec. 1 meeting.
Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh, the sole vote in favor of the permit at the Dec. 1 meeting, said Monday said she was “glad we can move forward and focus on all the great things happening in Kennesaw.”
Councilwoman Debra Williams said in a statement to the MDJ after the meeting all she could say about changing her vote on the issue was “RLUIPA trumps.”
Williams is referencing the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, a federal law protecting religious institutions from discriminatory zoning laws, which the applicant threatened to use as a basis to sue the city if the permit was denied.
Protests turn out
Protestors outside City Hall were peaceful but vocal about their opinions on the mosque.
Karen Untz, a protestor from Cumming, said she was scared of what would happen to the community now that the mosque was allowed in and predicted it would bring Sharia law with it.
“They get a bunch of people in an area, and then they institute Sharia law, and then they beat their wives, et cetera, et cetera. I don’t want to go into all the other terrible things they do,” Untz said. “This is going to start happening all over the state.”
The temporary land use permit approved by the council Monday night gives the applicant 24 months to use the space before he will have to reapply, but Untz said she thinks the mosque will never relocate.
“Everyone knows there’s no such thing as a temporary mosque. Once they establish a mosque, they keep it. They own it for Allah,” Untz said.
Chris Hill, a protestor from McDonough, said he also thinks the mosque will lead to Sharia law in Kennesaw.
“Sharia law cannot be allowed to masquerade as a religion,” Hill said.
Gloria Williamson, a protestor from Jasper, called Islam is a cult and said it should not be given the freedom religions such as Christianity enjoy.
“It’s a cult. It’s not a religion because they teach hate toward Americans,” Williamson said.
After the vote, supporters of the mosque were confronted by protestors outside, and one Kennesaw resident, Holly Lacour, apologized for the protestors’ actions. Lacour, who said she lives just down the street from where the new mosque will be located, told the applicants she was sorry some Kennesaw residents had reacted negatively toward them.
“It broke my heart to see them treated this way,” Lacour said. “I identify as an atheist, but I support all rights to religious freedom. My neighborhood is very diverse, and that’s how I want my city to be.”
Dallas resident Danielle Longamore supports the mosque and said she thinks the protestors represent a minority.
“I don’t think that group of people really represents Kennesaw as a whole because of their unwillingness to talk and their stubbornness,” Longamore said.
Before the vote, Khalid El-Amin, a supporter of the mosque, said he wasn’t bothered by the protestors. He said he was there for the vote, not the protestors’ show.
“They have the same right to protest as we do. And, as long as the right people say ‘yes,’” El-Amin said, nodding toward the council inside City Hall, “all of this doesn’t matter.”
Kamaral Hosein, a supporter of the mosque and a Muslim, said he was proud of the council’s decision to change the vote.
“This is a victory not only for the mosque and Muslims, but for the whole community as a whole,” Hosein said.
Behind the vote
The City Council first voted to deny the mosque inside a retail center with a 4-1 vote on Dec. 1, with council members Leonard Church, Tim Killingsworth, Jim Sebastian and Williams voting down the application.
Doug Dillard, the applicant’s attorney, threatened the city with a lawsuit after the council’s decision to deny the application. Dillard said he could file a $1 million claim invoking Religious Land Use Act in Cobb Superior Court, according to a letter included in the application presented to the council at its Dec. 1 meeting.
After this warning, Mathews said all four council members who voted to deny the mosque individually asked the mayor in private to change their previous vote at the council’s Dec. 10 meeting.
Monday night, the council voted 5-0 to approve the four council members’ requests to change their votes. Now, the city’s record will show that the application for the mosque was approved 5-0.
Read more: http://mdjonline.com/bookmark/26244069/article-Council%20votes%205-0%20to%20allow%20mosque%20in%20Kennesaw#.VI-rIQ2xzww.facebook#ixzz3M1vBp0Dy
and also see the WSBTV Video at: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/kennesaw-city-council-reconsider-mosque-zoning/njSnW/
From the AJC of 12/16/14
In a reversal, Kennesaw OKs mosque
Storefront worship center wins approval to seek permits.
By Dan Klepal dan.klepal@ajc.com
The Kennesaw City Council reversed itself Monday on the controversial issue of allowing a mosque to operate in a storefront on Jiles Road.
The application for a land-use permit by Suffa Dawat Center, Inc., was rejected Dec. 1 by the Cobb County city when four of the five council members voted against it during a heated meeting at which many members of the public spoke out against the worship center.
Each of those four council members — Leonard Church, Tim Killingsworth, Jim Sebastian and Debra Williams — reversed their votes Monday and approved the land-use permit, which now allows the mosque to seek the necessary permits to operate. Mayor Pro Tem Cris Eaton-Welsh voted in favor of the land-use permit originally.
Nayyer Islam, one of the applicants for the mosque, said it will be a few months before the storefront is operational as a worship center. Islam’s attorney, Doug Dillard, said he will likely file a lawsuit in federal court against the vote two weeks ago to protect his client’s right to sue in the event that the council’s re-vote is challenged and reversed.
If Monday’s decision isn’t reversed, Dillard said, he will drop his complaint. Dillard said he is satisfied with the result and appreciates the council members recognizing the vote two weeks ago was not proper.
About a dozen protesters stood outside city hall Monday, holding signs that read: “Ban Islam;” “No Mosque;” and “Cults Have No Rights.”
Samir Malik, who will worship at the center, said all the protesters are invited to the new facility.
“We invite them to come out, peacefully,” Malik said “Put those signs down and we’d love to address any questions they have. Talk to us, one on one, in a peaceful setting.
“There’s a very, very small minority that is opposed to us.”
The Kennesaw vote was the latest in a series of metro Atlanta mosque controversies and the most recent to come to the attention of federal authorities. Immediately after the vote to deny the mosque, representatives of the mosque say they spoke to the U.S. Department of Justice about what they see as blatant discrimination in violation of federal law. In recent years, the Justice Department has intervened in similar cases across the country, including decisions by Lilburn and Alpharetta to deny mosque expansions. Under federal pressure, those cities ultimately approved the expansions.
Islam said he expects 50 or 60 worshipers on Fridays; he expects the number will be about 20 or less during the week. Islam said the storefront was attractive to them because its rent was cheap and the location is central to their worshipers.
There will be no limitations — or stipulations — required for the mosque to open. Mayor Mark Mathews said some of the protesters and the media made the land-use issue more controversial that it actually was.
But then he added: “It’s been an emotional issue for every one.”
Mathews said the Suffa Dawat Center will still have to get its plans for the facility approved, and get various permits, a business license and clearance from the fire marshal before becoming operational.
“You think the city council is bad, go to a fire marshal, right?” Mathews joked. “At this point, what we’ve provided is the special-land permit that allows them to move on to the next step.”
The re-vote was placed on the meeting’s consent agenda, which means none of the council members explained their change of vote. Mathews said each of the four asked that the issue be placed on consent. He called it an “efficiency” issue.
The 12/12/14 AJC Article:
Kennesaw to re-vote on mosque issue
By Dan Klepal dan.klepal@ajc.com
The application to allow a storefront mosque in a Kennesaw shopping center will be back on the city council’s agenda Monday.
The council had rejected the application by a 4-1 vote on Dec. 1.
Mayor Mark Mathews issued a statement Wednesday night, after a closed-door work session with the council, that said council members Leonard Church, Tim Killingsworth, Jim Sebastian and Debra Williams want to change their votes and allow the mosque to open.
Each of the four council members had previously voted against the mosque.
“...After further consideration and legal review, council members ... independently approached me in my office during a recess following (Wednesday’s) executive session and requested to change their votes cast in the meeting held Dec. 1,” the statement says.
Mathews says there will be no limitations — called stipulations — required for the mosque to open. Kennesaw staff had recommended approval of the request by Suffa Dawat Center, Inc., which wants to open a worship center at 2750 Jiles Road.
Mathews said in the statement that the council is trying to achieve a mission for Kennesaw to be “an inclusive city with opportunities for all.”
A group calling itself the Steering Committee of the Muslim-Jewish Dialogue released the following statement:
“We are heartened that the Kennesaw City Council has acted promptly to correct its Dec. 1 vote and has (Wednesday) evening approved the application by local Muslims to establish a place of prayer within the City of Kennesaw. This decision is in keeping with the First Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees the right of all people to practice their religion freely.
“Respect for the Constitution means equal treatment for all. Living up to this principle is difficult, but it is a precondition for achieving justice and
peace in our communities.”
In an email exchange Thursday, Mathews told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that no vote was taken Wednesday night — that the council members’ requests were enough to have the mosque placed on Monday’s agenda.
“A vote (on whether) to allow them to change their votes will take place Monday,” Mathews wrote to the AJC. “If the council approves the request then each vote will be recorded accordingly. If the changed vote causes a change in the outcome of the item ... no further action will be needed.”
There are five council members in Kennesaw — the four who now want to change their votes and Mayor Pro Tem Cris Welsh, who voted in favor of the mosque last month.
A week prior to this I had emailed the Kennesaw Chief of Police asking for the information. No reply, so now I have made the inquiry 'official'.
The space available in unit #109 is 2,200 sq. ft. less space for 2 bathrooms and some office area, leaving 1,500 sq ft for worship services. I want to know what the KPD and Cobb Fire Marshal consider the Maximum Occupancy.
Here is the tentative reply:
From: Mark Rice
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:35 PM
To: Debra Taylor; William Westenberger
Subject: RE: ORR - Bill Harris
Until construction plans are submitted, I can only guess at the occupant loads for this suite based upon the applicant's engineer report.
At 2200 square feet, the occupant load would be 315 people.
This could change once the final construction plans are submitted and the final floor plan is shown to me.
Mark Rice CBO MCP Building Official
City of Kennesaw
Kennesaw council reverses course on proposed mosque
Wednesday night, in a stunning reversal, the Kennesaw City Council said they plan to reverse their decision about a proposed new mosque in the area. 11Alive News
Jon Shirek, WXIA-TV, Atlanta 12:19 a.m. EST December 11, 2014
KENNESAW, Ga. (WXIA) -- Wednesday night, in a stunning reversal, the Kennesaw City Council said they plan to reverse their decision about a proposed new mosque in the area.
All five council members met in private for more than two and a half hours Wednesday at Kennesaw City Hall. They met in private with the mayor and with the city attorney.
Just after 9 p.m., they reconvened in public, and Mayor Mark Mathews announced that the council members who had voted against the mosque last week wanted to change their votes and vote for the mosque at their next meeting, on Monday. That would allow Kennesaw Muslims to rent a storefront in a small shopping center just off of Highway 41 for their worship center.
Council members did not say why they were changing their votes to Yes. But the city was facing a certain, and expensive, lawsuit by the Muslims claiming that the city was violating their Constitutional rights.
So now the Muslims will not sue the city, and they will get their worship center.
"It's been a very sensitive issue for everyone," Mathews said. "Obviously, we all believe that Kennesaw's a fantastic place to live, to work, to play, to worship, and we want to try to make sure than everybody is accommodated as best as possible."
"It is exciting news," said Amjad Taufique of the Suffat Dawat Center. "On a personal level, I really think that's a very good thing that just happened, if the Council is going to go back on the decision and approve this thing. And this will give us an opportunity to invite our neighbors more, and understand us better, and be able to work together for the better community that we all live in."
"I'm very disappointed," said Kennesaw resident Carol Robertson. Robertson is against the mosque, but she criticized anti-Muslim picketers who demonstrated outside City Hall last week, afraid, they said, of Islamic violence if the mosque were approved. Robertson said they do not represent most Kennesaw residents.
She opposes the mosque because she believes it would make traffic and parking at and around that location -- the small strip mall at 2750 Jiles Road -- worse.
"It's not about faith. This is definitely a zoning issue. This is not the right thing for any faith, whether it's Methodist, Jewish, Catholic or Muslim. Wrong location," Robertson said.
The formal vote will take place at the regular Council meeting this coming Monday evening, and unless any of the council members change their minds again, it will be a unanimous vote for the mosque.
Council members who voted No last week and told the Mayor they want to change their vote to Yes:
Leonard Church
Tim Killingsworth
Jim Sebastian
Debra Williams
Council member Cris Eaton-Welsh voted Yes last week and does not want to change her vote.
Council members expressed support for approval for a 24 month period with no other restrictions or stipulations.
------------------------------Probably the Wed work session will not garner more than Welsh and Killingsworth voting for a reconsideration. Killingsworth of course is the hand puppet of the Mayor who is now trying to back away from his initial support of the refusal to allow the Mosque to be allowed to break Kennesaw zoning regulations. The Mosque: Round II: Councilwoman by December 09, 2014 04:00 AM | 842 views | 2
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IT’S OFFICIAL: The Kennesaw City Council on Wednesday will once again consider whether to allow a storefront mosque to open in a shopping center on Jiles Road just off Cobb Parkway.
Mayor Mark Mathews has said he hopes a council member will ask for a reconsideration of the question at Wednesday’s meeting. And Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh — who was the only vote on the council in favor of a rezoning to allow the mosque at last week’s meeting — told Around Town on Monday she will move the item forward if no other member does.
“If no one else stands up for it, I absolutely will,” she told AT. “I’m just really hoping one of the other members will step up.”
Asked if any members have had a change of heart since last week, she answered, “I really have no idea.”
If at least one member asks to reconsider the application, then a majority, or three out of the five members, would have to agree in order for it to be looked at again during Wednesday’s work session. The mayor votes only to break a tie.
Coverage of last week’s hearing on the proposal was dominated by anti-Muslim comments from opponents of the storefront prayer center.
Many predict Kennesaw taxpayers would be on the hook for attorney fees if, as expected, mosque-backers file a federal lawsuit in the wake of the rejection.
(2750 Jiles Rd, Kennesaw, Ga)
Do you remember this guy?
This is the guy who got Mr. F. Islam to put in the application for a 24 month waiver of the Kennesaw zoning regulations so a store front Mosque could be put into a down market strip mall behind the Publix store on Cobb Parkway.
And as we all know this Mr. F. (What is the 'F' for?) Islam also put in writing the Suffa Dawat claim that there were no other Mosques within a 20 mile radius when there are at least 7, one as close as 8 miles away. This claim later got an apology from Mosque shill/attorney Dougie Dillard, you won't likely have heard about the apology as it was given in an (illegally) closed session before the start of the Dec. 1st regular Council meeting.
So even Dougie was apalled by the lies told by his Pakastani clients. He wasn't all that sorry though as he threatened to sue the City for at least $1,000,000 for enforcing the City zoning regulations.
Let's look a bit closer at Mr. A. K. Amer:
He is a multi millionaire. He lives in a gated estate at 2467 Sewell Mill Rd, in Marietta with a Fair Market Value, this year, of $795,000, down a bit from over a million bucks due to the downturn in realty prices.
He is listed in Cobb County Tax records as having a boat with a FMV of $728,640 and an airplane with a FMV of $66,640 and just in Cobb County the Georgia Secretary of State site says that he owns 4 companies:
Hold on a second!
Yep, Abdul owns the 11 unit, Shops at Hickory Grove, located at 2639 Hickory Grove Rd, Acworth, Ga. 30101, FMV of $2,074,900 and just 3.9 miles north of the location he insists on using in Kennesaw for his strip mall Mosque.
And here FYI is an interesting thing about this Hickory Grove strip mall, it has 3 empty store fronts, all in a row. Units #120, #130 and #140, all empty and for rent. This strip mall is just 2.5 miles farther from Mr. Amer's home in Marietta than the proposed Kennesaw location for a Mosque, Hickory Grove, being closer to I-75 it is the same 17 minute travel time from Mr. Amer's home.
You might wonder why this multi millionarie developer/engineer doesn't simply put his new botique Mosque into his Hickory Grove strip mall.
You might also wonder just why he wants to start a new Mosque in Kennesaw when he is .6 of a mile from the East Cobb Islamic Center, 1111 Braswell Rd, Marietta and 3.1 miles from the Masjid Ibad-ur-Rahman Mosque, 2692 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta. Rather than a 2 minute drive to the East Cobb Center he would rather drive 17 minutes to Kennesaw to his own Mosque?
Why aren't the other 7 Marietta area Mosques good enough for Mr Amer and his followers?
The closest existing Mosque to the proposed one in Kennesaw is the Masjid Ibad-ur-Rahman Mosque, 2692 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta, Ga 30066. It is 8.8 miles away, next is East Cobb Islamic Center, 1111 Braswell Rd, Marietta, 10 miles. In fact there are at least 7 already up and running and serving this areas Muslim community and a total of 74 Mosques in North Georgia.
A very wealthy Marietta Muslim, Abdul Kareem Amer, who lives 6 blocks from one of the above referenced Mosques and 3 miles from another, gets a Kennesaw Mulsim, Mr. F. Islam, to put in a 'straw man' application for a store front Mosque in a retail center and also gets Mr. Islam to put forth a bogus claim to the City that there is 'no Mosque within a 20 mile radius' for the Kennesaw Muslims to use.
This rich Marietta Muslim wanted to run his own little botique Mosque and thought he would put it in a 2nd rate downmarket strip mall in Kennesaw where he would be a big fish in a small pond.
All the Suffa Dawat Center and Mr Amer needs to do is to make sure of the zoning and then buy some land and put up their Mosque.
Trying to sneak one in where it has no business being and lying about the lack of area Mosques isn't the way to do things.
1) Select a property correctly zoned for a Mosque
2) Buy the property
3) Build the Mosque
4) Stop whining!
Kennesaw City Council denies mosque in shopping center
KENNESAW — The City Council denied a request by Muslim residents
to use space in a retail shopping center as a prayer center by a 4-1 vote
Monday night, with Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh voting in favor.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw City Council denies mosque in shopping center
Suffa Dawat Center applicant Mufti Islam, left, looks around outside the Kennesaw City Council Chambers on Monday night as his attorney, Doug Dillard, talks with citizens supporting the worship center. The Kennesaw City Council denied the request to get a 2-year land-use permit to create a religious worship and education center. / Staff-Kelly J. Huff
My comment on the MDJ's Internet Edition:
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw City Council denies mosque in shopping center
Read more: http://www.cbs46.com/story/27541433/after-mosque-site-denied-muslim-group-plans-legal-action-against-city-of-kennesaw#ixzz3KtNlKD3F
KENNESAW, Ga. -- There will be no mosque in Kennesaw. At least not right away. The Kennesaw City Council voted on Monday to reject the request of a group of Muslims seeking to establish a worship center in the city.
Anti-Islamic demonstrators outside of Kennesaw City Hall made it clear that they believe an Islamic worship center is not welcome in Kennesaw.
The local Islamic group wanting to rent the retail space for their worship center agreed to every limitation that the Kennesaw city attorney wanted to impose, including a two-year only lease, no more than 80 worshipers allowed at a time and no more than 40 parking spaces could be used at a time.
It was just this past July when the City Council approved a request from a Christian church to rent space in a small retail center in Kennesaw for their worship services.
Councilmember Cris Eaton-Welsh made the motion to approve the Muslim's request to do the same, but the other four members refused, silently, without debate -- and without comment afterwards.
The attorney for the Muslim group, Doug Dillard, said they may sue the city in federal court. He said that in similar fights across Metro Atlanta, he has reached out-of-court settlements after suing the local governments. The cases never went to trial; the two sides ultimately reached a compromise.
The demonstrators are hoping that the city will continue to fight the Muslims' efforts to hold worship services in Kennesaw.
See full report at:
KENNESAW — After a heated discussion between residents and council members that lasted more than two hours, the Kennesaw City Council tabled a vote Monday that would have decided whether to allow an Islamic worship center in a Kennesaw shopping plaza.
The City Council voted 3-2, with Leonard Church and Debra Williams opposed, to delay the vote by two weeks to its Dec. 1 council meeting.
Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh said she wanted to allow time for the residents who spoke at the meeting to resolve their concerns about the Islamic center.
“I (request) to table this so that the communities can have some conversations and see if we can’t get rid of some of these misunderstandings,” Eaton-Welsh said.
Doug Dillard, the attorney representing the applicant, Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, said they plan to make themselves available in the next two weeks so city employees can schedule a neighborhood meeting to discuss the center. Dillard said he thinks the issues residents brought up Monday can be resolved.
“Absolutely, I think they’re very solvable,” Dillard said.
The proposal would turn a 2,200-square-foot suite in a shopping center off Jiles Road into a prayer hall for Muslims.
The shopping center, called Kennesaw Commons, is at 2750 Jiles Road behind a Publix grocery store off Cobb Parkway.
Kennesaw Mayor Mark Mathews said the city has never approved a permit for any type of religious facility in a retail environment that he can remember.
Eighteen people spoke to a standingroom only crowd Monday night in the Kennesaw council chambers.
Ashley Haspel, who owns a beauty salon inside the shopping center and lives in Kennesaw, said she is concerned people attending the prayer hall would use too many parking places, leaving no room for her customers.
“A worship center has no place being in a retail center. There are many other places for a worship center … Any religious organization does not fit the profile of bringing commerce to a retail center. It would hurt our business not having the parking for our customers,” Haspel said.
According to the application for the permit, the daily prayer services would likely be attended by 10 to 20 people and the weekly prayer service will see 60 to 80 people.
Abdul Amer, a traffic engineer representing the Islamic center, said he did a traffic study on the parking lot and found with maximum attendance at the prayer sessions, there would be 20 additional cars in the shopping center’s lot. The shopping plaza has 127 parking spaces.
“It’s a small percentage of the parking lot being used today. Any concerns by retailers are just unfounded,” Amer said.
Mathews took issue with the statement, asking Amer repeatedly if he was sure about the estimate.
“That’s your testimony? Under oath? As a professional engineer?” Mathews asked.
Amer stood by his statements.
Arden Stone, a Kennesaw resident, said she encouraged the council to approve using the suite in the retail center as a prayer hall.
“I think a lot of the rhetoric that we’re hearing (from residents) is based on a lot of fear and discrimination. My daughter is a Muslim and I don’t want her to come home and find people who won’t live next door to her. I urge you to reflect what I believe America stands for,” Stone said to the crowd and the council.
The application, submitted by Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, states the facility will be used for five daily prayers lasting 10 to 15 minutes, which happen before sunrise, at 2 p.m., a couple hours before sunset, right after sunset and a couple hours after sunset.
Another 40 to 45 minute weekly prayer service will happen at 2 p.m. on Fridays, according to the application.
The center will also offer hour-long education programs a few evenings a week, when followers of Islam will gather to study religious texts.
Not a religious debate, mayor says
Before people were allowed to speak at the meeting, Mathews told the crowd comments about religion would be not permitted.
“This is not intended to be a religious debate or a discussion about people’s religious beliefs. It’s a purely technical hearing on the appropriate land use for a piece of property in the city of Kennesaw,” Mathews said.
However, some residents made allegations the teachings inside the prayer center would encourage the practice of Sharia law, something resident Jo Talley said made her fear for her safety.
“I am first a Christian and then an American citizen. As a Christian I am to put no other God before my Lord, and I am also to love my neighbor. If you know me, then you know that I do my best to do those things … but I also have the right to protect myself. This project has to do with Sharia law,” Talley said.
Mathews said the council considered the application by focusing on the facts associated with the use of the space.
“What we’re charged with is reviewing the zoning data and just sticking strictly with the technical information on the zoning and land use,” Mathews said.
Mathews said he was concerned the prayer services would occur during the day, when retail shops are open.
“I think the biggest issue right now is the potential conflict with the times of their meetings and how it might interfere with retail shops. Their meetings are during the week and daily and then a big weekly meeting on Friday. I’m not sure of the times but I understand they’re during business hours. (The concern was) parking and just an influx of people coming in for their meetings,” Mathews said.
Anthony Bonner, a Kennesaw resident, said he didn’t think a religious center would fit in with the community.
“There’s a clear understanding of the moral values that this mosque is going to present to the community, and we need to keep in mind whether this is in line with the values of our community. It’s bigger than just zoning and parking,” Bonner said. “This is bigger than right and wrong. This is not a religious debate. This is about a comment on the value and the merits of a community.”
Somaia Khalil, a Kennesaw resident, said as a future attendee of the center, she was willing to work with any resident about traffic or noise levels, should they arise in the future.
“We’re willing to work with the landlord about any problems,” Khalil said. “I’m willing myself to go there and clean and whatever they want. For two years, just give us a chance. If we are not good for the place then we’ll leave it. It’s that simple.”
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw tables Islamic center vote
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw tables Islamic center vote
Kennesaw mosque proposal faces opposition
Kennesaw mosque proposal tabled for now
KENNESAW, GA (CBS46) -Some Kennesaw residents want to turn part of a strip mall into an Islamic worship center."It would be very good for us," said Melissa Mueller.Mueller is the program manager for the Edge Kitchen, a non profit organization that teaches veterans and low income entrepreneurs how to run successful food related businesses. She says finding occupants for the vacant portion of the strip mall is a good idea.
Read more: http://www.cbs46.com/story/27409277/kennesaw-city-council-to-vote-on-islamic-worship-center-in-strip-mall#ixzz3JQMmpwpZ
Who are the 3 major players in this matter?
Abdul Kareem Amer, 2467 SEWELL MILL RD, Marietta 30062 (Pakastani)
Home Fair Market Value: $795,280 (Yrly Tax $9/188), Airplane FMV: $66,640, Boat FMV: $728,640
President at A&R Engineering, Inc.
Greater Atlanta Area Civil Engineering
Previous: URS Corporation
Education: Georgia Institute of Technology
A & R Engineering:
We are a group of professionals with over 50 years of combined Civil Engineering experience in Georgia. Our goal is to provide our clients the highest quality of engineering services.
A&R Engineering has extensive experience in traffic and transportation engineering areas. Our expertise in this field and our knowledge of County and State DOT regulations have resulted in remarkable success in the past.
You can depend on A&R Engineering for Civil Engineering / Traffic and Transportation Engineering services.
Contact Us ADDRESS: A&R Engineering Inc. 2160 Kingston Court, Suite O, Marietta, GA 30067 TEL: (770) 690-9255 FAX: (770) 690-9210 EMAIL: admin@areng.com
WEBSITE: www.areng.com, http://areng.com/Home.htm
COBB TAX INFO (Home 2014 Fair Mkt Value $795,280 (Yrly Tax $9,188)
Airplane FMV: $66,640 Boat FMV: $728,640
PARID: 16091400010 NEIGHBORHOOD: 16089991 TAX YEAR: 2014
Class Residential Small Tracts
Total Acres .9 Total Land Sq ft: 39204
Address 2467 SEWELL MILL RD Marietta 30162
Neighborhood 1608 - 9991 HOMESITE
Subdivision Number 9991
Building Stories 2, Construction BRICK, Style TWO STORY, Basement FULL
Sq Ft Living Area 6972
Basement Living: 3167
Year Built: 2005, Total Rooms 10 , Bedrooms 5, Bathrooms 4, Half Bathrooms 1
Fireplace Y, Garage Y, Basement Garage N, Pool Y, Tennis N
Airplane FMV: $66,640, Boat FMV: $728,640
Search Results for Abdul Amer shows these Business Names
Entity Id 139878
Business Name: A&R ENGINEERING INC. Registration Date 5/17/2002 Entity StatusActive/Compliance Entity Status Date 4/23/2014
Principal Office Address: 2160 KINGSTON CT, STE O, MARIETTA, Ga 30067
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name ABDUL K. AMER
Address 2160 KINGSTON CT STE O, MARIETTA, Ga 30067
Email aamer@areng.com
Abdul Kareem Amer LILY ESTATES, LLC
LILY ESTATES, LLC Control Number: 11067443
Business Name: LILY ESTATES, LLC Registration Date 9/07/2011 Entity StatusDiss./Cancel/Terminat Entity Status Date 8/23/2013
REPRESENTATIVE: Abdul K. Amer, 770-690-9255
PHONE: 404-610-1431 SIZE OF TRACT: 1.089 acres
PROPERTY LOCATION: On the east side of Old Canton Road south of Roswell Road (1060 Old Canton Road).
Principal Office Address 2160 Kingston Court, Suite O, Marietta Georgia 30067
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name Amer, Abdul
Email aamer@areng.com
ROBINSON ESTATES LLC, Control Number: 13385720
Business Name: ROBINSON ESTATES LLC Registration Date 3/01/2013 Entity StatusActive/ComplianceEntity Status Date 4/23/2014
PRINCIPAL: 2160 Kingston Court Suite O, Marietta Ga 30067
GPS Address: 3706 Robinson Road, Marietta, GA 30068
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name Abdul Amer
Email aamer@areng.com
Upscale neighborhood in Walton High School District with eight homes.
Now Preselling! Offered at $920,000
Located entirely within the Walton High School District of the Cobb County Public School System, the neighborhood is also less than a mile from the newly renovated and expanded East Side Elementary School. Also within one mile are both East Cobb Park and Fullers Park. Located near the newly widened Roswell Road, the neighborhood is situated in a location that provides great access to multiple cities in north Atlanta.
robinsonestates@gmail.com, HomesRobinsonEstates.com
THE SHOPS AT HICKORY GROVE, LLC. Control Number: 0607032
Located at: 2639 HICKORY GROVE Rd, Acworth, Ga. 30101 1.52 acres First tax bill 2007
(Tenants: Cleaners #200, The Hart of Grooming #190, Chiro4Health #150, Stardust Tan #160, Eylon Nail Salon #170, Little Caesars Pizza #100, Tropical Brazilian Wax #180 - Units 120, 130, 140 are vacant.)
Entity Id 415883
Business Name: THE SHOPS AT HICKORY GROVE, LLC. Registration Date 1/31/2006 Entity StatusActive/Compliance Entity Status Date 4/23/2014
Principal Office Address 2160 KINGSTON CT. STE O, MARIETTA, Georgia 30067
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name ABDUL K. AMER
C/O MOORE INGRAM JOHNSON & STEELE, LLP is a full service law firm
Bill Information Record Type: Parcel
Bill Type: Original Tax Year: 2014
Due Date: 10/15/2014 Payment Status Status Paid
Tax Amount Paid 2014 $24,658.12
Last Payment Date 9/30/2014
Parcel Information Parcel Number 20002603110
Acres 1.52
Fair Market Value $2,074,900 Assessed Value $829,960
Property Address 2639 HICKORY GROVE RD
Homestead Exemption NONE
Tax District 3 - City of Kennesaw
Mr. Mufti F. Islam, 3947 McGuire Way, Kennesaw, 30144 (Pakastani)
This is the applicant for the Suffa Dawat center and he is one of the persons behind the Center which has applied for the 24 month use permit. It is an easy drive from his home to the strip mall
Home Fair Market Value: $170,000 (Yrly tax $1,942.68), Airplane FMV: $23,000, Boat FMV: $140,470
GEORGIA CORPORATION - Data Updated September 27, 2014
Suffa Dawat Center Inc is a Georgia Corporation filed on August 29, 2014. The company's filing status is listed as Active/Compliance and its File Number is 14092856.
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Mufti F Islam and is located at 3947 Mcguire Way Kennesaw, GA 30144. The company's principal address is Mufti Islam 3947 Mcguire Way Kennesaw, GA 30144.
The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is Mufti F Islam from Kennesaw GA.
Company Information
File Number: 14092856 Filing State: Georgia (GA)
Filing Status: Active/Compliance Filing Date: August 29, 2014
Company Age: 3 Months
Registered Agent: Mufti F Islam, 3947 Mcguire Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Principal Address: Mufti Islam, 3947 Mcguire Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Suffa Dawat Center INC Control Number: 14092856
Entity Id 4909340 Email suffahmosque@gmail.com
Business Name: Suffa Dawat Center INC, Registration Date: 8/29/2014
Entity Status: Active/Compliance Entity Status Date 9/22/2014
Principal Office Addres
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes
Name: MUFTI F ISLAM, 3947 MCGUIRE WAY, kennesaw, Ga 30144
I understand that one reason the Pakastani group cited for wanting a store front Mosque in Kennesaw is that there are none within 20 miles and this is to far for them to drive.
Regarding the availability of Islamic mosques etc in the Atlanta area I found this site to have a listing of various mosques: http://www.salatomatic.com/sub/jw5MC6jzjr
In the Atlanta area there are:
74 Mosques
11 Schools
158 Restaurants
187 Markets
Within 8 KM (5 Mi) of zip code 30152 there are
7 Mosques
1 School
18 Restaurants
32 Markets
Soheil Saffaripoor, 9690 Loblolly Ln, Roswell, GA 30075 (Iranian)
Home Fair Market Value: $132,700 (Yrly Tax: $1,627.07)
Owner: Kennesaw Commons, 2750 Jiles Rd NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144, 3.76 acres, Fair Market Value: $1,206,580 (yrly Tax: $14,459.64)
Saffari Investments, LLC, Office Tel: (770) 864-8060
kennesawcommons.com, ssaffaripoor@gmail.com
Home Address: Soheil Saffaripoor, 9690 Loblolly Ln, Roswell, GA 30075-4307 Home Tel: (770) 676-6444
Kennesaw Commons is a mixed-use development shopping center. This strip mall is located on Jiles Road, just off the highly trafficked US 41 (Cobb Pkwy), directly behind a Publix Anchored retail center in Kennesaw, GA (North Atlanta MSA).
The shopping center includes 24,200 SF retail building, 2 self storage buildings totaling 9,400 SF and 60 RV / Boat Parking spaces
Kennesaw Commons Tenants:
Edge Kitchen
Exodus Health Center
Unique Salon and Spa
Two Men and a Truck
Candy Man
Blue Canopy
Lockett Color
SAFFARI INVESTMENTS, LLC Control Number: 11072716
Entity Id 4158230
Business Name SAFFARI INVESTMENTS, LLC Registration Date 9/27/2011
Entity StatusActive/Compliance Entity Status Date 4/13/2014
PRINCIPAL Line 2750 Jiles Road Suite 100, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name Soheil Saffaripoor
Address 2750 Jiles Road Suite 100 Kennesaw Georgia 30144
Email ssaffaripoor@gmail.com
Peggy Saffaripoor on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/peggy.saff?fref=ts
Current city: Roswell, Georgia
Hometown: Tehran, Iran Languages: Farsi vs. Persian · English
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
Information you might want to file away in case Mosque lawyer Doug Dillard files against the City. I haven't read all of it and wouldn't unless it ends up in court, but it doesn't hurt to have the info filed away.
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
10 page Statement of the Department of Justice on the Land-Use Provisions of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA)
15 Page Report on the Tenth Anniversary of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
37 Page Alpharetta Georgia Case
As you will see from various press reports a considerable amount of hot air has accompanied this issue. Before you start reading these reports it is important to clarify that the City of Kennesaw did not tell the Suffa Dawat Center that they could NOT have a Mosque, they told them they could not have one in a strip mall long zoned for retail businesses.
The closest existing Mosque to the proposed one in Kennesaw is the Masjid Ibad-ur-Rahman Mosque, 2692 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta, Ga 30066. It is 8.8 miles away, next is East Cobb Islamic Center, 1111 Braswell Rd, Marietta, 10 miles. In fact there are at least 7 already up and running and serving this areas Muslim community and a total of 74 Mosques in North Georgia.
A very wealthy Marietta Muslim, Abdul Kareem Amer, who lives 6 blocks from one of the above referenced Mosques and 3 miles from another, gets a Kennesaw Mulsim, Mr. F. Islam, to put in a 'straw man' application for a store front Mosque in a retail center and also gets Mr. Islam to put forth a bogus claim to the City that there is 'no Mosque within a 20 mile radius' for the Kennesaw Muslims to use.
This rich Marietta Muslim wanted to run his own little botique Mosque and thought he would put it in a 2nd rate downmarket strip mall in Kennesaw where he would be a big fish in a small pond.
All the Suffa Dawat Center and Mr Amer needs to do is to make sure of the zoning and then buy some land and put up their Mosque.
Trying to sneak one in where it has no business being and lying about the lack of area Mosques isn't the way to do things.
1) Select a property correctly zoned for a Mosque
2) Buy the property
3) Build the Mosque
4) Stop whining!
Kennesaw City Council denies mosque in shopping center
to use space in a retail shopping center as a prayer center by a 4-1 vote
Monday night, with Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh voting in favor.
Doug Dillard, the attorney representing the applicant, Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, said the council’s denial was a blatant attack on the applicant’s First Amendment rights to practice religion freely. Dillard said the applicant, Mufti Islam, will fight back, and he has plans to bring a lawsuit against the city.
“We think it’s discriminatory, and it violates equal terms,” Dillard said. “They had no reason to deny this.”
Nayyer Islam, who represents the mosque, said they will continue to fight for their right to worship in the retail center.
“We’ll follow all the legal ways to continue to get the permit,” Islam said.
Eaton-Welsh said the applicant did everything he could.
“I’m saddened,” Eaton-Welsh said. “The amount of anger that has come out of this was not something I ever thought Kennesaw was all about.”
The application asked for the use of a 2,200-square-foot suite in a shopping center off Jiles Road as a prayer hall for Muslims. The shopping center, called Kennesaw Commons, is at 2750 Jiles Road behind a Publix grocery store off Cobb Parkway.
The city attorney, Randall Bentley, and Dillard spoke for about 20 minutes before the council took a final vote on Monday. Dillard agreed to some stipulations in an attempt to compromise to address traffic-related concerns residents had about the mosque.
The application, submitted by Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, states the facility will be used for five daily prayers lasting 10 to 15 minutes, and one 40 to 45 minute weekly prayer service on Fridays, which could see 60 to 80 people.
Dillard agreed to cap the building capacity at 80 people and limit the number of parking spaces the mosque could use to 40.
Abdul Amer, who represents the mosque, said the stipulations were a tactic the city used to control the mosque.
“They were trying to draft up some stipulations to push us around basically,” Amer said.
However, the council voted 2-3, with Debra Williams, Leonard Church and Jim Sebastian opposed, to deny the application even with the stipulations.
Then, the council voted 4-1 to deny the application as submitted to the city without the stipulations.
Sebastian refused to comment after the meeting.
Williams said she voted against the application because she did not think a religious center should operate inside a retail shopping center.
“I believe it’s a retail space. It’s as plain and simple as that,” Williams said.
Yet Williams and all four other council members voted unanimously in July to allow a Pentecostal church in a retail center when they approved Redeemed Christian Fellowship Church to use a 4,000 square-foot unit in a center on the corner of Ben King Road and Cherokee Street.
Mayor Mark Mathews did not allow the public to comment on the mosque proposal at the Monday meeting. He said the vote on the church didn’t set a precedent because each application needs to be considered on its own.
“This is not anything that the city ever takes lightly for a land use permit, regardless of what it’s for. We are charged with honoring the law, the laws within the city and the ordinances within the city,” Mathews said before the vote.
Crowds protest
A group of about 10 protestors gathered outside Kennesaw’s City Hall Monday evening ahead of the vote waving American flags and signs saying “no mosque.” About 20 other residents gathered to attend the meeting.
Karen Untz, who traveled to Kennesaw from Cumming to protest the mosque, said she was pleased with the council’s decision.
“(Muslims) are moving into all these small towns, and they’re camping out,” Untz said. “There’s no such thing as a temporary mosque. They claim the space, and they teach Shariah law.”
Kamaral Hosein, of Kennesaw, who said he is a Muslim, expressed disappointment in the council and in his fellow Americans after the vote.
“My reaction is, ‘Am I living in the United States of America? And am I really free? Or, am I just free if I’m like them?’” he asked, later specifying that “them” meant Christians.
Chad Legere, of Mableton, stood outside City Hall while the council discussed the issue waving signs in protest. He said he doesn’t want the United States to become the next Europe.
“There’s a way to stop Shariah law from getting into our country, and that’s what we’re doing,” Legere said.
Legere, who held a flag bearing the Star of David, said he thinks a mosque will bring radical Muslims to the community who will make the area unsafe.
“The Christian religion is very peaceful. It teaches us to turn the other cheek, and that’s what we’re doing,” Legere said. “This flag (with the Star of David) incites them. It makes them mad.”
Arden Stone, of Kennesaw, who said she is a Christian, supported the proposed prayer center.
“I’m upset, and I think it was a shameful decision,” Stone said. “Legally they have a right to be there. … I think the council was swayed either by their own prejudices or the prejudices of the people here protesting.”
Another protestor, Lynn Conner, of Kennesaw, said she protested the prayer center because she is scared of what Muslims stand for.
“I wanted to exercise my First Amendment rights while I still can, and I wanted to protect the Christian community that I live in against infiltration by the enemy who has gone on record with the goal to destroy everything we stand for,” Conner said.
People representing the Muslim faith and the prayer center said the protesters had a right to speak their minds, but David Scheidler, of Marietta, who said he is a Taoist, said he wished Christians would remember the history of their faith before speaking negatively about Islam.
“For people who use Christianity as an excuse to protest — when Christianity was small, it was persecuted too. So, if they were really remembering their roots, they wouldn’t be here,” Scheidler said.
The brother of the applicant, Kashit Islam, of Kennesaw, who said he is a Muslim, said the people against the mosque have a biased view of his religion.
“They’re totally isolated here based on what the news shows them. They’re just basing their decision on what’s going on in Iraq and Syria. We’re not like that,” Islam said.
Hosein said he does not appreciate outsiders judging his religion by only looking at people who are extremists.
“No one judges Christianity by the KKK, and that’s what they’re doing to us,” Hosein said.
“We think it’s discriminatory, and it violates equal terms,” Dillard said. “They had no reason to deny this.”
Nayyer Islam, who represents the mosque, said they will continue to fight for their right to worship in the retail center.
“We’ll follow all the legal ways to continue to get the permit,” Islam said.
Eaton-Welsh said the applicant did everything he could.
“I’m saddened,” Eaton-Welsh said. “The amount of anger that has come out of this was not something I ever thought Kennesaw was all about.”
The application asked for the use of a 2,200-square-foot suite in a shopping center off Jiles Road as a prayer hall for Muslims. The shopping center, called Kennesaw Commons, is at 2750 Jiles Road behind a Publix grocery store off Cobb Parkway.
The city attorney, Randall Bentley, and Dillard spoke for about 20 minutes before the council took a final vote on Monday. Dillard agreed to some stipulations in an attempt to compromise to address traffic-related concerns residents had about the mosque.
The application, submitted by Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, states the facility will be used for five daily prayers lasting 10 to 15 minutes, and one 40 to 45 minute weekly prayer service on Fridays, which could see 60 to 80 people.
Dillard agreed to cap the building capacity at 80 people and limit the number of parking spaces the mosque could use to 40.
Abdul Amer, who represents the mosque, said the stipulations were a tactic the city used to control the mosque.
“They were trying to draft up some stipulations to push us around basically,” Amer said.
However, the council voted 2-3, with Debra Williams, Leonard Church and Jim Sebastian opposed, to deny the application even with the stipulations.
Then, the council voted 4-1 to deny the application as submitted to the city without the stipulations.
Sebastian refused to comment after the meeting.
Williams said she voted against the application because she did not think a religious center should operate inside a retail shopping center.
“I believe it’s a retail space. It’s as plain and simple as that,” Williams said.
Yet Williams and all four other council members voted unanimously in July to allow a Pentecostal church in a retail center when they approved Redeemed Christian Fellowship Church to use a 4,000 square-foot unit in a center on the corner of Ben King Road and Cherokee Street.
Mayor Mark Mathews did not allow the public to comment on the mosque proposal at the Monday meeting. He said the vote on the church didn’t set a precedent because each application needs to be considered on its own.
“This is not anything that the city ever takes lightly for a land use permit, regardless of what it’s for. We are charged with honoring the law, the laws within the city and the ordinances within the city,” Mathews said before the vote.
Crowds protest
A group of about 10 protestors gathered outside Kennesaw’s City Hall Monday evening ahead of the vote waving American flags and signs saying “no mosque.” About 20 other residents gathered to attend the meeting.
Karen Untz, who traveled to Kennesaw from Cumming to protest the mosque, said she was pleased with the council’s decision.
“(Muslims) are moving into all these small towns, and they’re camping out,” Untz said. “There’s no such thing as a temporary mosque. They claim the space, and they teach Shariah law.”
Kamaral Hosein, of Kennesaw, who said he is a Muslim, expressed disappointment in the council and in his fellow Americans after the vote.
“My reaction is, ‘Am I living in the United States of America? And am I really free? Or, am I just free if I’m like them?’” he asked, later specifying that “them” meant Christians.
Chad Legere, of Mableton, stood outside City Hall while the council discussed the issue waving signs in protest. He said he doesn’t want the United States to become the next Europe.
“There’s a way to stop Shariah law from getting into our country, and that’s what we’re doing,” Legere said.
Legere, who held a flag bearing the Star of David, said he thinks a mosque will bring radical Muslims to the community who will make the area unsafe.
“The Christian religion is very peaceful. It teaches us to turn the other cheek, and that’s what we’re doing,” Legere said. “This flag (with the Star of David) incites them. It makes them mad.”
Arden Stone, of Kennesaw, who said she is a Christian, supported the proposed prayer center.
“I’m upset, and I think it was a shameful decision,” Stone said. “Legally they have a right to be there. … I think the council was swayed either by their own prejudices or the prejudices of the people here protesting.”
Another protestor, Lynn Conner, of Kennesaw, said she protested the prayer center because she is scared of what Muslims stand for.
“I wanted to exercise my First Amendment rights while I still can, and I wanted to protect the Christian community that I live in against infiltration by the enemy who has gone on record with the goal to destroy everything we stand for,” Conner said.
People representing the Muslim faith and the prayer center said the protesters had a right to speak their minds, but David Scheidler, of Marietta, who said he is a Taoist, said he wished Christians would remember the history of their faith before speaking negatively about Islam.
“For people who use Christianity as an excuse to protest — when Christianity was small, it was persecuted too. So, if they were really remembering their roots, they wouldn’t be here,” Scheidler said.
The brother of the applicant, Kashit Islam, of Kennesaw, who said he is a Muslim, said the people against the mosque have a biased view of his religion.
“They’re totally isolated here based on what the news shows them. They’re just basing their decision on what’s going on in Iraq and Syria. We’re not like that,” Islam said.
Hosein said he does not appreciate outsiders judging his religion by only looking at people who are extremists.
“No one judges Christianity by the KKK, and that’s what they’re doing to us,” Hosein said.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw City Council denies mosque in shopping center
Suffa Dawat Center applicant Mufti Islam, left, looks around outside the Kennesaw City Council Chambers on Monday night as his attorney, Doug Dillard, talks with citizens supporting the worship center. The Kennesaw City Council denied the request to get a 2-year land-use permit to create a religious worship and education center. / Staff-Kelly J. Huff
My comment on the MDJ's Internet Edition:
What should be very clear here is that this unnecessary and badly timed application has fractured
the local community and set back Muslim/Christian relations here to about what it was
1095-1291, during the 7 Christian Crusades.
It is always possible that this was the intention from the start. If so, they did a fine job of it.
We can expect that Mosque lawyer Doug Dillard will complain to the DOJ under the
'Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act', passed by Congress in 2000.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw City Council denies mosque in shopping center
MDJ articles in the online edition continue to get replies, you might want
to take a look or even post on those sites.
The MDJ editorial of today is still getting comments 20 so far at: http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/26183071/article-Kennesaw-misfired-on-mosque-request?instance=home_editorial
and the article of yesterday has 63 comments now at: http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/26177671/article-Kennesaw-City-Council-denies-mosque-in-shopping-center?instance=home_top_bullets
After mosque site denied, Muslim group plans legal action against city of Kennesaw
Posted: Dec 03, 2014 6:09 PM ESTUpdated: Dec 03, 2014 6:16 PM ESTRead more: http://www.cbs46.com/story/27541433/after-mosque-site-denied-muslim-group-plans-legal-action-against-city-of-kennesaw#ixzz3KtNlKD3F
NBC TV - 11 Alive's report 12/1/14
(with Video link)
KENNESAW, Ga. -- There will be no mosque in Kennesaw. At least not right away. The Kennesaw City Council voted on Monday to reject the request of a group of Muslims seeking to establish a worship center in the city.
Anti-Islamic demonstrators outside of Kennesaw City Hall made it clear that they believe an Islamic worship center is not welcome in Kennesaw.
The local Islamic group wanting to rent the retail space for their worship center agreed to every limitation that the Kennesaw city attorney wanted to impose, including a two-year only lease, no more than 80 worshipers allowed at a time and no more than 40 parking spaces could be used at a time.
It was just this past July when the City Council approved a request from a Christian church to rent space in a small retail center in Kennesaw for their worship services.
Councilmember Cris Eaton-Welsh made the motion to approve the Muslim's request to do the same, but the other four members refused, silently, without debate -- and without comment afterwards.
The attorney for the Muslim group, Doug Dillard, said they may sue the city in federal court. He said that in similar fights across Metro Atlanta, he has reached out-of-court settlements after suing the local governments. The cases never went to trial; the two sides ultimately reached a compromise.
The demonstrators are hoping that the city will continue to fight the Muslims' efforts to hold worship services in Kennesaw.
See full report at:
A week prior to this I had emailed the Kennesaw Chief of Police asking for the information. No reply, so now I have made the inquiry 'official'.
The space available in unit #109 is 2,200 sq. ft. less space for 2 bathrooms and some office area, leaving 1,500 sq ft for worship services. I want to know what the KPD and Cobb Fire Marshal consider the Maximum Occupancy.
Here is the tentative reply:
From: Mark Rice
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:35 PM
To: Debra Taylor; William Westenberger
Subject: RE: ORR - Bill Harris
Until construction plans are submitted, I can only guess at the occupant loads for this suite based upon the applicant's engineer report.
At 2200 square feet, the occupant load would be 315 people.
This could change once the final construction plans are submitted and the final floor plan is shown to me.
Mark Rice CBO MCP
Building Official
City of Kennesaw
Kennesaw tables Islamic center vote
The City Council voted 3-2, with Leonard Church and Debra Williams opposed, to delay the vote by two weeks to its Dec. 1 council meeting.
Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh said she wanted to allow time for the residents who spoke at the meeting to resolve their concerns about the Islamic center.
“I (request) to table this so that the communities can have some conversations and see if we can’t get rid of some of these misunderstandings,” Eaton-Welsh said.
Doug Dillard, the attorney representing the applicant, Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, said they plan to make themselves available in the next two weeks so city employees can schedule a neighborhood meeting to discuss the center. Dillard said he thinks the issues residents brought up Monday can be resolved.
“Absolutely, I think they’re very solvable,” Dillard said.
The proposal would turn a 2,200-square-foot suite in a shopping center off Jiles Road into a prayer hall for Muslims.
The shopping center, called Kennesaw Commons, is at 2750 Jiles Road behind a Publix grocery store off Cobb Parkway.
Kennesaw Mayor Mark Mathews said the city has never approved a permit for any type of religious facility in a retail environment that he can remember.
Eighteen people spoke to a standingroom only crowd Monday night in the Kennesaw council chambers.
Ashley Haspel, who owns a beauty salon inside the shopping center and lives in Kennesaw, said she is concerned people attending the prayer hall would use too many parking places, leaving no room for her customers.
“A worship center has no place being in a retail center. There are many other places for a worship center … Any religious organization does not fit the profile of bringing commerce to a retail center. It would hurt our business not having the parking for our customers,” Haspel said.
According to the application for the permit, the daily prayer services would likely be attended by 10 to 20 people and the weekly prayer service will see 60 to 80 people.
Abdul Amer, a traffic engineer representing the Islamic center, said he did a traffic study on the parking lot and found with maximum attendance at the prayer sessions, there would be 20 additional cars in the shopping center’s lot. The shopping plaza has 127 parking spaces.
“It’s a small percentage of the parking lot being used today. Any concerns by retailers are just unfounded,” Amer said.
Mathews took issue with the statement, asking Amer repeatedly if he was sure about the estimate.
“That’s your testimony? Under oath? As a professional engineer?” Mathews asked.
Amer stood by his statements.
Arden Stone, a Kennesaw resident, said she encouraged the council to approve using the suite in the retail center as a prayer hall.
“I think a lot of the rhetoric that we’re hearing (from residents) is based on a lot of fear and discrimination. My daughter is a Muslim and I don’t want her to come home and find people who won’t live next door to her. I urge you to reflect what I believe America stands for,” Stone said to the crowd and the council.
The application, submitted by Suffa Dawat Center at Kennesaw, states the facility will be used for five daily prayers lasting 10 to 15 minutes, which happen before sunrise, at 2 p.m., a couple hours before sunset, right after sunset and a couple hours after sunset.
Another 40 to 45 minute weekly prayer service will happen at 2 p.m. on Fridays, according to the application.
The center will also offer hour-long education programs a few evenings a week, when followers of Islam will gather to study religious texts.
Not a religious debate, mayor says
Before people were allowed to speak at the meeting, Mathews told the crowd comments about religion would be not permitted.
“This is not intended to be a religious debate or a discussion about people’s religious beliefs. It’s a purely technical hearing on the appropriate land use for a piece of property in the city of Kennesaw,” Mathews said.
However, some residents made allegations the teachings inside the prayer center would encourage the practice of Sharia law, something resident Jo Talley said made her fear for her safety.
“I am first a Christian and then an American citizen. As a Christian I am to put no other God before my Lord, and I am also to love my neighbor. If you know me, then you know that I do my best to do those things … but I also have the right to protect myself. This project has to do with Sharia law,” Talley said.
Mathews said the council considered the application by focusing on the facts associated with the use of the space.
“What we’re charged with is reviewing the zoning data and just sticking strictly with the technical information on the zoning and land use,” Mathews said.
Mathews said he was concerned the prayer services would occur during the day, when retail shops are open.
“I think the biggest issue right now is the potential conflict with the times of their meetings and how it might interfere with retail shops. Their meetings are during the week and daily and then a big weekly meeting on Friday. I’m not sure of the times but I understand they’re during business hours. (The concern was) parking and just an influx of people coming in for their meetings,” Mathews said.
Anthony Bonner, a Kennesaw resident, said he didn’t think a religious center would fit in with the community.
“There’s a clear understanding of the moral values that this mosque is going to present to the community, and we need to keep in mind whether this is in line with the values of our community. It’s bigger than just zoning and parking,” Bonner said. “This is bigger than right and wrong. This is not a religious debate. This is about a comment on the value and the merits of a community.”
Somaia Khalil, a Kennesaw resident, said as a future attendee of the center, she was willing to work with any resident about traffic or noise levels, should they arise in the future.
“We’re willing to work with the landlord about any problems,” Khalil said. “I’m willing myself to go there and clean and whatever they want. For two years, just give us a chance. If we are not good for the place then we’ll leave it. It’s that simple.”
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw tables Islamic center vote
3 Hours Ago
This is easy.
The applicant LIED.
When he filed paperwork he stated that there were NO other Islamic centers within 20 miles of Kennesaw.
That has been discovered to be totally untrue.
The request should be flat out denied on the basis that the request is based on a lie. Period, end of story.
If they are going to lie about that, what else are they going to lie about?
The applicant LIED.
When he filed paperwork he stated that there were NO other Islamic centers within 20 miles of Kennesaw.
That has been discovered to be totally untrue.
The request should be flat out denied on the basis that the request is based on a lie. Period, end of story.
If they are going to lie about that, what else are they going to lie about?
3 Hours Ago
City Council, please grow a spine and listen to the constituents who put you in office. Retail space is just that. You would be bending the law on the books to do this,so don't. Why would any of us who oppose this center want to do business with you? Why would we vote you back into office? You are about to tear down a really good place to live as you go down the politically correct route to appease a small group who did not vote you into office.
4 Hours Ago
This marks the beginning of the end of our culture and heritage. Islam is incompatible with the American way of life. It seeks to destroy anyone who opposes it, convert or die.
5 Hours Ago
What is really going on here in Kennesaw?
You have to wonder who is agitating the Muslim community to open a store front Mosque for 20 families? With 74 Mosques in North Georgia why the sudden interest in a store front facility in a 2nd rate mall?
Do those backing this really want a Mosque or are they looking to divide the community with this bogus issue?
Are a few agitators simply stirring the pot to promote discord and split the community?
Instead of just covering Council meetings the Press should be taking a look at who is actually behind this Mosque.
Frankly, something smells here and some investigative reporter might come up with what it is.
You have to wonder who is agitating the Muslim community to open a store front Mosque for 20 families? With 74 Mosques in North Georgia why the sudden interest in a store front facility in a 2nd rate mall?
Do those backing this really want a Mosque or are they looking to divide the community with this bogus issue?
Are a few agitators simply stirring the pot to promote discord and split the community?
Instead of just covering Council meetings the Press should be taking a look at who is actually behind this Mosque.
Frankly, something smells here and some investigative reporter might come up with what it is.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Kennesaw tables Islamic center vote
Kennesaw mosque proposal faces opposition
Kennesaw mosque proposal tabled for now
KENNESAW, Ga. (WXIA) – Before a packed meeting Monday evening, the Kennesaw City Council tabled a vote on a proposal that would allow an Islamic worship center to open in the middle of a shopping center, Kennesaw Commons, on Jiles Road near U.S. 41.
The plan drew sharp debate over both zoning and Islam itself.
Supporters said the permit they are seeking would only be for two years, while they find a permanent location for the worship center. The group's application says they would hold daily prayers five times a day -- involving about ten people each time -- as well as a larger and longer worship service each Friday afternoon involving 60 to 80 people.
Opponents argued that a place of worship, no matter the religion, has no place in a retail strip mall. Some expressed opposition to the presence of Muslims, period, saying the worship center in Kennesaw "will endanger our freedom."
"And it's all about safety," said a speaker. "Look at the TV every night. It's global."
"I think that a lot of the rhetoric that we're hearing is based on a lot of fear and discrimination," said one woman. "I urge you to reflect on what I believe America stands for – that we can live together on this planet peacefully."
The council decided not to vote on the proposal on Monday, but rather to table it instead.
Council Member Cris Eaton-Welsh made the motion to table it for two weeks. Her motion passed 3 to 2. Voting to table it were Eaton-Welsh, Tim Killingsworth and Jim Sebastian. Voting against tabling it were Leonard Church and Debra Williams.
When it does come up for a vote, that may not be the final word. The losing side is likely to appeal in the courts.
- KENESAW, Ga. — The Kennesaw City Council heard from passionate speakers but postponed a decision on plans to place a temporary mosque at a shopping center.
Kennesaw city council tables vote on islamic worship center in strip mall
Posted: Nov 17, 2014 6:56 PM ESTUpdated: Nov 17, 2014 11:31 PM EST

Read more: http://www.cbs46.com/story/27409277/kennesaw-city-council-to-vote-on-islamic-worship-center-in-strip-mall#ixzz3JQMmpwpZ
Who are the 3 major players in this matter?
Abdul Kareem Amer, 2467 SEWELL MILL RD, Marietta 30062 (Pakastani)
Home Fair Market Value: $795,280 (Yrly Tax $9/188), Airplane FMV: $66,640, Boat FMV: $728,640
President at A&R Engineering, Inc.
Greater Atlanta Area Civil Engineering
Previous: URS Corporation
Education: Georgia Institute of Technology
A & R Engineering:
We are a group of professionals with over 50 years of combined Civil Engineering experience in Georgia. Our goal is to provide our clients the highest quality of engineering services.
A&R Engineering has extensive experience in traffic and transportation engineering areas. Our expertise in this field and our knowledge of County and State DOT regulations have resulted in remarkable success in the past.
You can depend on A&R Engineering for Civil Engineering / Traffic and Transportation Engineering services.
Contact Us ADDRESS: A&R Engineering Inc. 2160 Kingston Court, Suite O, Marietta, GA 30067 TEL: (770) 690-9255 FAX: (770) 690-9210 EMAIL: admin@areng.com
WEBSITE: www.areng.com, http://areng.com/Home.htm
COBB TAX INFO (Home 2014 Fair Mkt Value $795,280 (Yrly Tax $9,188)
Airplane FMV: $66,640 Boat FMV: $728,640
PARID: 16091400010 NEIGHBORHOOD: 16089991 TAX YEAR: 2014
Class Residential Small Tracts
Total Acres .9 Total Land Sq ft: 39204
Address 2467 SEWELL MILL RD Marietta 30162
Neighborhood 1608 - 9991 HOMESITE
Subdivision Number 9991
Building Stories 2, Construction BRICK, Style TWO STORY, Basement FULL
Sq Ft Living Area 6972
Basement Living: 3167
Year Built: 2005, Total Rooms 10 , Bedrooms 5, Bathrooms 4, Half Bathrooms 1
Fireplace Y, Garage Y, Basement Garage N, Pool Y, Tennis N
Airplane FMV: $66,640, Boat FMV: $728,640
Search Results for Abdul Amer shows these Business Names
Entity Id 139878
Business Name: A&R ENGINEERING INC. Registration Date 5/17/2002 Entity StatusActive/Compliance Entity Status Date 4/23/2014
Principal Office Address: 2160 KINGSTON CT, STE O, MARIETTA, Ga 30067
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name ABDUL K. AMER
Address 2160 KINGSTON CT STE O, MARIETTA, Ga 30067
Email aamer@areng.com
Abdul Kareem Amer LILY ESTATES, LLC
LILY ESTATES, LLC Control Number: 11067443
Business Name: LILY ESTATES, LLC Registration Date 9/07/2011 Entity StatusDiss./Cancel/Terminat Entity Status Date 8/23/2013
REPRESENTATIVE: Abdul K. Amer, 770-690-9255
PHONE: 404-610-1431 SIZE OF TRACT: 1.089 acres
PROPERTY LOCATION: On the east side of Old Canton Road south of Roswell Road (1060 Old Canton Road).
Principal Office Address 2160 Kingston Court, Suite O, Marietta Georgia 30067
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name Amer, Abdul
Email aamer@areng.com
ROBINSON ESTATES LLC, Control Number: 13385720
Business Name: ROBINSON ESTATES LLC Registration Date 3/01/2013 Entity StatusActive/ComplianceEntity Status Date 4/23/2014
PRINCIPAL: 2160 Kingston Court Suite O, Marietta Ga 30067
GPS Address: 3706 Robinson Road, Marietta, GA 30068
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name Abdul Amer
Email aamer@areng.com
Upscale neighborhood in Walton High School District with eight homes.
Now Preselling! Offered at $920,000
Located entirely within the Walton High School District of the Cobb County Public School System, the neighborhood is also less than a mile from the newly renovated and expanded East Side Elementary School. Also within one mile are both East Cobb Park and Fullers Park. Located near the newly widened Roswell Road, the neighborhood is situated in a location that provides great access to multiple cities in north Atlanta.
robinsonestates@gmail.com, HomesRobinsonEstates.com
THE SHOPS AT HICKORY GROVE, LLC. Control Number: 0607032
Located at: 2639 HICKORY GROVE Rd, Acworth, Ga. 30101 1.52 acres First tax bill 2007
(Tenants: Cleaners #200, The Hart of Grooming #190, Chiro4Health #150, Stardust Tan #160, Eylon Nail Salon #170, Little Caesars Pizza #100, Tropical Brazilian Wax #180 - Units 120, 130, 140 are vacant.)
Entity Id 415883
Business Name: THE SHOPS AT HICKORY GROVE, LLC. Registration Date 1/31/2006 Entity StatusActive/Compliance Entity Status Date 4/23/2014
Principal Office Address 2160 KINGSTON CT. STE O, MARIETTA, Georgia 30067
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name ABDUL K. AMER
C/O MOORE INGRAM JOHNSON & STEELE, LLP is a full service law firm
Bill Information Record Type: Parcel
Bill Type: Original Tax Year: 2014
Due Date: 10/15/2014 Payment Status Status Paid
Tax Amount Paid 2014 $24,658.12
Last Payment Date 9/30/2014
Parcel Information Parcel Number 20002603110
Acres 1.52
Fair Market Value $2,074,900 Assessed Value $829,960
Property Address 2639 HICKORY GROVE RD
Homestead Exemption NONE
Tax District 3 - City of Kennesaw
Mr. Mufti F. Islam, 3947 McGuire Way, Kennesaw, 30144 (Pakastani)
This is the applicant for the Suffa Dawat center and he is one of the persons behind the Center which has applied for the 24 month use permit. It is an easy drive from his home to the strip mall
Home Fair Market Value: $170,000 (Yrly tax $1,942.68), Airplane FMV: $23,000, Boat FMV: $140,470
GEORGIA CORPORATION - Data Updated September 27, 2014
Suffa Dawat Center Inc is a Georgia Corporation filed on August 29, 2014. The company's filing status is listed as Active/Compliance and its File Number is 14092856.
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Mufti F Islam and is located at 3947 Mcguire Way Kennesaw, GA 30144. The company's principal address is Mufti Islam 3947 Mcguire Way Kennesaw, GA 30144.
The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is Mufti F Islam from Kennesaw GA.
Company Information
File Number: 14092856 Filing State: Georgia (GA)
Filing Status: Active/Compliance Filing Date: August 29, 2014
Company Age: 3 Months
Registered Agent: Mufti F Islam, 3947 Mcguire Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Principal Address: Mufti Islam, 3947 Mcguire Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Suffa Dawat Center INC Control Number: 14092856
Entity Id 4909340 Email suffahmosque@gmail.com
Business Name: Suffa Dawat Center INC, Registration Date: 8/29/2014
Entity Status: Active/Compliance Entity Status Date 9/22/2014
Principal Office Addres
Agent Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes
Name: MUFTI F ISLAM, 3947 MCGUIRE WAY, kennesaw, Ga 30144
I understand that one reason the Pakastani group cited for wanting a store front Mosque in Kennesaw is that there are none within 20 miles and this is to far for them to drive.
Regarding the availability of Islamic mosques etc in the Atlanta area I found this site to have a listing of various mosques: http://www.salatomatic.com/sub/jw5MC6jzjr
In the Atlanta area there are:
74 Mosques
11 Schools
158 Restaurants
187 Markets
Within 8 KM (5 Mi) of zip code 30152 there are
7 Mosques
1 School
18 Restaurants
32 Markets
Soheil Saffaripoor, 9690 Loblolly Ln, Roswell, GA 30075 (Iranian)
Home Fair Market Value: $132,700 (Yrly Tax: $1,627.07)
Owner: Kennesaw Commons, 2750 Jiles Rd NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144, 3.76 acres, Fair Market Value: $1,206,580 (yrly Tax: $14,459.64)
Saffari Investments, LLC, Office Tel: (770) 864-8060
kennesawcommons.com, ssaffaripoor@gmail.com
Home Address: Soheil Saffaripoor, 9690 Loblolly Ln, Roswell, GA 30075-4307 Home Tel: (770) 676-6444
Kennesaw Commons is a mixed-use development shopping center. This strip mall is located on Jiles Road, just off the highly trafficked US 41 (Cobb Pkwy), directly behind a Publix Anchored retail center in Kennesaw, GA (North Atlanta MSA).
The shopping center includes 24,200 SF retail building, 2 self storage buildings totaling 9,400 SF and 60 RV / Boat Parking spaces
Kennesaw Commons Tenants:
Edge Kitchen
Exodus Health Center
Unique Salon and Spa
Two Men and a Truck
Candy Man
Blue Canopy
Lockett Color
SAFFARI INVESTMENTS, LLC Control Number: 11072716
Entity Id 4158230
Business Name SAFFARI INVESTMENTS, LLC Registration Date 9/27/2011
Entity StatusActive/Compliance Entity Status Date 4/13/2014
PRINCIPAL Line 2750 Jiles Road Suite 100, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Is non-commercial Registered Agent? Yes Name Soheil Saffaripoor
Address 2750 Jiles Road Suite 100 Kennesaw Georgia 30144
Email ssaffaripoor@gmail.com
Peggy Saffaripoor on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/peggy.saff?fref=ts
Current city: Roswell, Georgia
Hometown: Tehran, Iran Languages: Farsi vs. Persian · English
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
Information you might want to file away in case Mosque lawyer Doug Dillard files against the City. I haven't read all of it and wouldn't unless it ends up in court, but it doesn't hurt to have the info filed away.
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
10 page Statement of the Department of Justice on the Land-Use Provisions of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA)
15 Page Report on the Tenth Anniversary of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
37 Page Alpharetta Georgia Case
Something here for those interested in Mosques in the US:
1) ‘How to Start a Masjid’ (Keys to managing a Successful Masjid) 67 pages:
2) ‘Controversies Over Mosques and Islamic Centers Across the U.S.’ Sept 2012, 22 pages. Summary of 53 Mosque and Worship Center problems.